Our Core Values

We believe that learning happens when relationships are built on trust and respect. 

High Expectations
We believe that by expecting the most of ourselves and those around us and holding each other accountable leads to our greatest potential. 

We believe that by embracing and learning from all people we become better, produce higher quality work and become more empowered. 

We value continuous improvement of ourselves, each other and our practices. We seek and apply feedback, reflect on our practice, maintain a can-do positive attitude, approach changes and challenges as opportunities to learn and celebrate each of our unique strengths in support of continuous improvement. 

We know that to perform and grow, we must feel safe and cared for, so we work continuously to holistically meet the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, occupational and intellectual needs of everyone in our community. We believe that healthy people perform better. 

Third... Fourth... and Fifth Way
Our students embody this value and as partners with them, we work to emulate the practice of finding ladders, bulldozers and other solutions to the vast number of walls, roadblocks and problems we encounter.